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Free Online Tarot Card Reading for Love

Free Online Tarot

Welcome to iFate's free tarot readings. If y'all're a beginner or an experienced tarot reader, these readings provide free insight and fascinating perspectives on life, work, romance or any question or situation yous tin think of.

online tarot reading

If you're new to reading tarot, remember of this one page as a crash grade or a bootcamp to assistance you get started learning tarot quickly.

To get-go, select a tarot spread from the choices above. Each spread provides you with unlike approach to your specific question — and each spread has its own strengths and weaknesses.

We recommend that tarot beginners offset with an easy tarot spread that uses a smaller number of cards. The uncomplicated "Past, Nowadays and Future" tarot spread is a great identify to start your tarot journey if y'all're simply beginning. As yous grow more confident with the tarot, you can piece of work your style up to advanced tarot carte spreads similar the well-known "Celtic Cross" tarot card reading which uses 10 cards.

Tarot reading for love

Because online tarot readings for honey are a major category of spider web-based tarot readings, a few pointers on what to expect are probably in club.

Keep in mind that tarot does non manifest anything. Nor does tarot tell you what you desire to hear. In fact, when doing love tarot readings, the cards are frequently brutally, sometimes painfully honest.

When the cards seem to pull no punches and "say it like information technology is", don't be tempted to ask the same affair over and over again until you lot accomplish the tarot reading you want. Instead, try different angles of approach.

Retrieve that the cards will often point the reader to a 'possible' negative outcome in a human relationship or honey interest. In these cases, rather than asking the same question again, it'southward often better to ask virtually things that you can focus on to potentially avert those outcomes.

If you experience similar the cards are simply being as well disruptive or cryptic, try a unlike love tarot spread.

Two final tips for love tarot readings:

  • You're e'er meliorate off using a true love tarot spread which is meant for love readings, rather than asking love questions using a standard spread like "Past Present & Future".
  • Many dearest tarot spreads are meant for existing couples. Others, like the "Soulmate spread" are love tarot spreads for singles. Exist sure to utilize a tarot spread that's correct for you.

Tarot Readings Yes or No

Another major category of tarot readings is the "Yes or No Tarot question". Recall that every tarot carte can be assigned a "yep or no" answer. But truth be told, tarot is not a "heads or tails" thing.

Tarot lives in the world of the "gray area". It's upwards to the interpreter to read meaning into the cards — and that significant is oftentimes much more than subtle than a yes or no respond.

That being said, if y'all want to exercise yeah or no readings with tarot, each carte on iFate has been assigned a yes or no value which is visible within the readings.

Alternatively, there'due south an easy to utilise "Yes or No Tarot" application which is perfect for unproblematic "yes or no" questions.

Tarot Reading 10 Carte du jour Spreads

For many readers, the ten card spread is where tarot gets truly interesting. The degree of complexity and deeper insight possible with x carte du jour spreads (and higher) is far greater than tin can be achieved with a simple three card spread.

iFate features a number of free 10 bill of fare spreads including:

  • The Tree of Life x Card Spread
  • The Celtic Cross 10 Carte du jour Spread
  • The Tree of Insight 10 Card Spread

Some simple tarot carte du jour instructions

Online tarot readings are no different from concrete tarot readings. They offer insight, spiritual guidance and sometimes brilliantly insightful answers to your most important questions.

Before asking your question, it helps to relax and to call up of the many dimensions within your current state of affairs: Who are the players involved? What are the forces involved? How is this upshot affecting your life?

When you are finally gear up to consult the tarot cards, clear your mind and move on to shuffle the deck. When shuffling the deck you may see a card drib from the deck. This is normal. If it happens, attempt to retrieve the card that drops as it may have some significance later. Some tarot card experts pay special attention to events like this, others do not.

Draw the tarot cards

When you lot draw the tarot cards, advisedly motion across the cards and expect for a "pull" — or a feeling that a particular card is pregnant. The pull in an online reading is no different from the pull in a concrete tarot reading. Like whatsoever other tarot reader, an online reader attempts to create a synergy between their college mind and their physical actions.

drawing a tarot card

Don't select a carte until you feel that the bill of fare has some significance to yous. As yous practice using tarot cards, you will learn to go better at identifying this psychic pull from the cards. When you lot feel a psychic tug or a feeling over a specific card, choose that card and repeat the process When you take finished drawing all the tarot cards in your spread, you're ready for your reading.

How to read tarot cards

While unabridged books take been written on the art of tarot divination and tarot reading techniques, the arts and crafts tin can be surprisingly unproblematic to larn at a beginner level.

At the most basic level, there are 2 important things to pay attention to during your tarot reading: The first is the meaning of each position within your tarot spread, and the second is the significant of each tarot card in that position.

DEFINITION: A tarot card spread is a specific arrangement of 2 or more tarot cards. In a spread, each position represents a different facet of the question existence asked. The card filling the position should be interpreted merely in the context of that position'south significant. Virtually tarot readers will also assign meaning cards which are adjacent or opposite to each menu. These neighboring cards are often (but not necessarily) seen as relevant forces either supporting or opposing the position.

The meaning of the position tells yous "how" the tarot menu in that position is relevant to your question. (For example, in a "Past, Present, Time to come" tarot spread, the first position references the past events leading upwardly to your electric current situation. The card in that position relates to those past events) Once yous understand what the spread position means, information technology's fourth dimension to translate the meaning of its associated card.

When you lot are interpreting each tarot card, don't forget to consider to the "Arcana" of the card. Each card falls into two groups. Major Arcana cards tend to be very important and indicate major messages or themes inside the reading. Minor Arcana cards tend to have more than common meanings and often indicate more mean solar day-to-day themes, emotions and events. (This is not e'er true, simply information technology is a expert rule of pollex to begin with).

Also don't forget to have annotation of the suit of Minor Arcana tarot cards. There are four suits in a tarot deck. They are: The adjust of cups, the suit of pentacles, the conform of swords and the suit of wands.

The suit of a tarot card can oftentimes give us a quick indication of what the card is referencing.

Tarot Suit Meanings
Accommodate of Cups Meaning The Tarot suit of Cups: Cups (also sometimes referred to every bit the accommodate of chalices or goblets) by and large indicates emotional problems, love, relationships and problems regarding feelings.
Suit of Pentacles Meaning The Tarot suit of Pentacles: Pentacles (as well commonly referred to equally the conform of coins or sometimes the suit of discs) usually indicates finances, business organisation, health and the material world.
Adapt of Swords Meaning The Tarot suit of Swords: Swords (also rarely referred to equally the conform of blades) is often a reference to communications, logic and making decisions.
Suit of Wands Meaning The Tarot suit of Wands: Wands (besides ordinarily referred to as the suit of staves or the conform of rods) typically references creativity, action, inspiration and passion.

In that location are often many means to interpret each menu so it'due south of import non to simply have the face up value of each card, only instead to think about how each detail tarot card relates to the position in the tarot spread, and to the overall tarot question at hand.

Tarot Suits and Zodiac Signs

Another dimension to the tarot reading comes from the relative astrological signs associated with each accommodate of the minor arcana.

  • The arrange of Pentacles is oft associated with the zodiac signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
  • The suit of Wands is often associated with the zodiac signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
  • The adjust of Cups is often associated with the zodiac signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
  • The suit of Swords is often associated with the zodiac signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

When analyzing a small-scale arcana card as part of a tarot reading, don't forget to consider that the carte du jour may exist referencing a particular zodiac sign, or a person of that zodiac sign. This is particularly true with court cards and other cards that depict people in their visual references.

Inverted or reversed tarot card meanings

Tarot cards can likewise be read in their "inverted" or "reversed" meaning. When tarot cards are reversed the meaning of the bill of fare is contradistinct.

reversed tarot cards diagram

Are these reversed tarot card meanings bad? No. In fact, sometimes they make otherwise gloomy cards much "less bad". In other cases they may mean that the positive forces indicated by the bill of fare are being opposed or challenged somehow.

Beginners who begin learning how to interpret reversed tarot cards ofttimes brand the mistake of 'flipping' the meaning to an opposing meaning. This is an overly simplistic (and normally wrong) approach. Information technology'due south important to remember that inverted tarot cards do non usually have the exact opposite meaning of the traditional upright meaning. Instead, the meaning of inverted tarot cards should be interpreted as a failure, disruption, lessening or discontinuation of the upright significant.

NOTE: The simplest way to think of inverted tarot cards is to recall of their upright pregnant either failing -- or the upright meaning being blocked or subverted by an opposing strength.

There is an ongoing debate amid many tarot readers whether beginners should use inverted tarot meanings at all. If you are but learning to read tarot cards, it may be easier during your learning procedure to ignore the inverted meanings and read all tarot cards in their upright state. Once you have mastered the basic tarot meanings, yous tin can always add the additional dimension of inverted cards at a later date

Tarot imagery

It's as well important to look carefully at the visual imagery within a carte du jour. Many novice readers forget to look deeply at each picture and consider what is beingness said visually. Is there a reference within the picture that looks similar to anything in your life?

The gender of the card is also important: Does the card seem to reference a homo or a adult female? Does information technology reference a family? Are there animals in the tarot card? What time of twenty-four hour period is referenced in the card? All of these visual elements should play a role in your tarot interpretation.

Also, keep in heed that many of the symbols in tarot cards accept significance in astrology, numerology and many other disciplines. So the more you learn about related fields, the better your tarot carte du jour interpretation will become.

Tarot cards take changed dramatically over the years. Early decks like the early on, paw-painted Visconti-Sforza Tarot had strikingly different artwork than many contemporary decks. The cards used by iFate Tarot feature the archetype tarot early 20th century artwork of Pamela Coleman Smith. This artwork, previously published as part of the Rider Waite tarot deck, features some of the most famous and best known tarot card imagery ever made.

While there are many excellent decks available, including the Aquatic Tarot, Thoth Tarot, OSHO Tarot and many others, the classic 1909 artwork used here remains some of the about aware and subtle ever made. While iFate may add unlike tarot decks in the future, the classic Coleman Smith artwork has delivered trusted tarot readings to millions of fans worldwide.

Some tips on asking a tarot question

Many beginner tarot readers brand the fault of looking for too-specific an answer. Others make the mistake of asking questions which are unsuited for the tarot.

Needless to say, if y'all ask: "What's the winning lottery number on Saturday" you're going to have a very difficult fourth dimension interpreting the results. That kind of question is not what tarot is for. Skilled fortune tellers sympathise that tarot works by helping the reader empathise a situation. Not by telling yous what to do direct.

A more mutual fault withal is to ask a good question, but to frame it in a way that makes it difficult to interpret the tarot results. Tarot readings are excellent tools for providing insight and understanding to a question, and (at times) providing insight into the future of a situation. The more than you practise with tarot, the better you will become at the latter.

In the involvement of providing insight and understanding, information technology's best to 'ask' for insight and understanding. Specific questions often yield confusing answers. A good question might be "Assistance me empathise and give me some insight into how events will resolve?"

Open-ended tarot questions play to the strengths of the tarot deck and leave your mind open to the endless possibilities that tarot opens the door to. Good topics for tarot questions include honey and romance, career and fortune, and wellness and medical decisions. Don't but focus on the "reply". Focus instead on all the circumstances surrounding the question being asked.

Don't worry if your first few readings seem a picayune confusing. Performing authentic tarot readings, like all skills, takes years of practice to chief. If you're a beginning reader, try elementary 3 carte spreads or even 1 card tarot and Yeah No Tarot readings before you tackle the larger spreads like the Celtic Cross spread. Many readers don't tackle larger spreads until they have been reading tarot for many years.

Near of all, tarot cards are a tool for spiritual introspection. Tarot students should remember to respect the tarot. Simply because you have learned to render a surprisingly accurate reading on demand, doesn't mean you should ask frivolous questions or ever misuse the deck.

Is an online tarot reading a real tarot reading?

This is a subject of great debate. There are many who believe that the ability of the tarot comes from the physical cards themselves. Our view is that the power of the tarot is, and has always been, you. You are the source of insight, wisdom and spiritual understanding. Tarot is a conduit. A powerful tool for personal introspection.

From that perspective, an online tarot reading is an authentic reading similar whatsoever other. Yous are still contemplating the cards, waiting for a "pull", and calculation your own creativity and insight into the results.

Sometimes tarot cards online tin can feel impersonal or too "digital". If this is the case for yous, you may want to think of online tarot cards every bit a training resource. Many tarot students use online tarot carte readings to get a full general overview of how tarot cards work, and leave the actual "divination" to live tarot or concrete readings.

For many professional tarot readers, their "first deck" was digital. And from there they moved over to physical tarot cards every bit a matter of personal preference.

Ultimately the choice is yours. Online tarot cards are capable of delivering deeply insightful readings full of depth and personality. How you lot employ them is your decision. Whether you use digital tarot cards as a tarot teaching or training tool, or whether you perform a daily 3 card tarot spread to predict the effect of daily situations -- is up to you.

Other gratuitous psychic readings

If you bask iFate's tarot carte readings online, be certain to try iFate's gratis Yes or No tarot readings which are perfect for quick yes or no questions.

Also be certain to finish in over at iFate's extremely popular I Ching readings which make understanding the I Ching like shooting fish in a barrel for beginners.
